The Perfect Wedding

The Perfectly Imperfect Wedding

As much as we all want the perfect wedding, they can be anything but perfect.

I know I know, you’ve spent 12 months or more planning the perfect day and it will be perfect god dammit ! NOTHING is going to go wrong, you’ve literally cried tears over the planning of your big day and no one is going to take that away from you !

Well in a perfect world maybe, but you know, sh*t happens right ?

I mean none of these couples I’ve mentioned below planned for these little speed bumps on their wedding day, I mean who plans for this stuff ? You can’t, it’s just not possible..

Whoa, hang on who invited the paramedics ?
Oh yeah Melissa & Lance had one of their Bridesmaids faint during the ceremony, unplanned of course.
Well, you don’t see that everyday do you ? But the wedding day was still an amazing day because Mel & Lance made it amazing .

When looking for your photographer you really need to ask yourself what is important to you, do you want a photographer that will meticulously set up perfect family photos that have been posed within an inch of their life ?
Or would you prefer a more casual, relaxed affair where the world won’t end if Uncle Gary’s jacket isn’t buttoned perfectly & that beautiful Summer breeze may just blow your Aunt Dorothy’s hair a little to one side.

Sascha & Damo

Sascha & Damo

The above image – one of my most memorable weddings, Damo the groom went for a jog two weeks out from the wedding, had an unplanned heart attack and was clinically dead for 20 minutes. Thank God there were bystanders there that performed CPR nonstop until paramedics arrived and he was able to be revived. Off to hospital he went and had a pacemaker fitted, he was given a 3% chance of pulling through. He awoke from his coma and was married 2 weeks later, do you think they cared about the weather ?

I think when planning a wedding we would all like everything to go just perfectly, but in reality, that’s just not what weddings are really like. There are a thousand little things that could potentially throw a spanner in the works for you on your wedding day and it’s your choice and your choice alone as to whether you roll with the punches, put a smile on your dial and enjoy your day regardless. I’ve seen everything go wrong that could go wrong from Priests running late to wedding cars breaking down, from the flowers being slightly the wrong colour to the Father of the bride forgetting his shoes and only finding out 30 mins before the wedding that they’re missing. I’ve seen the MC turn up an hour late to the reception & I’ve witnessed countless outdoor ceremonies’ get rained out.

The Wet Wedding !!
Doh ! Unplanned rain !
I hate it when that happens..
These guys totally rocked it and we had the best day !
As you can see below
The Acre Boomerang Farm Wedding
Brisbane City Wedding

Wet Wedding Photos
I could write a book on the things that have gone wrong at weddings, but on every one of those occasions the couple just simply had the very best day that they could, they made it awesome, they made it amazing.

Wet Wedding Brisbane (16)
Saravan & Kin

Oh hey what do we have here ?
More unplanned weather – a couple of guests got caught up in the rain that drenched all of us, yes me too.
But I kept on shooting because these images are amazing as were all the guests who took it in their stride and had a great afternoon

The Windy wedding

windy wedding

Uh oh, it was so windy that the red carpet from the centre aisle got thrown around and took out all of those chairs ! Whoopsies !

At the end of the day it doesn’t matter if it rains, or if your Arbor blows over in the middle of your ceremony (yep it happened) or even if your priest gets the ceremony time wrong by an hour and you have to drive around the block until he turns up (yep also happened) because weddings aren’t perfect.

You know what is perfect ?That moment you slide that wedding ring onto your partners finger, that right there is the most perfect part of your day. Everything else is subject to change at any given moment.

Weddings aren’t perfect.

That is the very reason why I love weddings, you just never know what is going to happen !
What’s that ? Oh the cake hasn’t turned up, all good the chef is actually making it now and it will be here in time for the cake cutting, just … Yes this also happened ..

Every one of these imperfect weddings was made perfect because the couple chose to look past the imperfections, the realization that they were married was all they really needed.

Give me an amazing couple with awesome friends who are determined to have an equally amazing wedding regardless of what happens and I’m in my element.

Weddings aren’t perfect.

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